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Praise Song for Texas Librarians

“They don’t gotta burn the books, they just remove ‘em.”

-Rage Against the Machine

Inside Greg Abbot’s literary grave,

you dig up & brush dirt off

The Color Purple. The Hate 

U Give. Gender Queer. Maus

The sunlight, it thumbs

through annotated pages  

& reads passages out loud to kids

who’re trapped in detention centers 

where the libraries used to be;

where curiosity about life unfolded 

like an empty wallet. This is a praise song

adorned with bluebonnets & Snapdragons.

It passes over toxic waters.

Reaches your ears. Hopefully, 

there’s comfort. Hopefully, there’s 

healing. We’ll always need you 

to be our guides when agendas 

spread like darkness, like fear.

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